Global Issues

Climate change: We know what to do, the Pacific needs us to act, now
Climate change: We know what to do, the Pacific needs us to act, now
The United Nations has overwhelmingly adopted a landmark resolution requesting an International Court of Justice advisory opinion on the obligations of states to act on climate…
Great power rivalry is poisoning multilateralism
Great power rivalry is poisoning multilateralism
Multilateralism functions when great powers agree on certain fundamentals. Conversely, multilateralism is bound to sputter when there are deep contradictions between major powers…
Japan feels the pinch as fertiliser costs soar thanks to Russia’s war
Japan feels the pinch as fertiliser costs soar thanks to Russia’s war
For many countries, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had a grave impact on food costs and availability. Grain export bans and pipeline shutdowns by Russia have resulted in a sharp…
China’s food dilemma
China’s food dilemma
Despite China’s enormous population, the country has limited resources, making the security of food supplies a constant preoccupation. For older generations, including President…
This year, India leads the G20, Japan the G7, and together can make a potent team
This year, India leads the G20, Japan the G7, and together can make a potent team
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has declared India as “indispensable” to the vision of a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”. This echoes former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s…
Binary error: How and why governments need a cyber security rethink
Binary error: How and why governments need a cyber security rethink
Book Review: Cyber Persistence Theory: Redefining National Security in Cyberspace, by Michael P. Fischerkeller, Emily O. Goldman and Richard J. Harknett (Oxford University Press,…
Krill campaign less than thrilling
Krill campaign less than thrilling
Sea Shepherd, the environmental activist group renowned for taking on Japanese whalers in remote waters around Antarctica, has a new target. Its latest campaign is against krill…
A Catch-22 for India’s tech ambitions
A Catch-22 for India’s tech ambitions
The ongoing Russia–Ukraine war has induced several unexpected shifts in global geopolitical dynamics. While previously stagnant India–Russia trade has more than tripled in just…
Ending the climate wars: the public’s mandate
Ending the climate wars: the public’s mandate
The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, released this week, represents the most authoritative and comprehensive summary of current global science on climate…
A new battlefield: the need for regulations to govern Near Space
A new battlefield: the need for regulations to govern Near Space
The recent take down by the US military of a Chinese weather “spy” balloon over its national airspace has cast a spotlight on the need for regulation of the “Near Space” zone…