Global Issues

When will PNG establish a National Human Rights Commission?
When will PNG establish a National Human Rights Commission?
Corruption is one of the biggest challenges in Papua New Guinea, according to Transparency International PNG. In 2020, the government successfully established the Independent…
Covid vaccines: Charity begins at home
Covid vaccines: Charity begins at home
There has – rightly – been a strong reaction in Australia and more broadly to the Italian government decision, endorsed by the European Union and some of its leaders, not to…
Food security and Covid-19: Recognising women’s leadership
Food security and Covid-19: Recognising women’s leadership
“Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences…
Vaccine hesitancy and the risks in rural Papua New Guinea
Vaccine hesitancy and the risks in rural Papua New Guinea
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact globally, with more than 114 million cases and 2.5 million deaths. With 1365 cases and 14 deaths, Papua New Guinea has fared better…
An endless game of whack-a-mole?
An endless game of whack-a-mole?
According to recent media reports, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has received a recommendation from Australia’s domestic security agency ASIO to formally proscribe UK-based…
“Repair and Build”: Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq
“Repair and Build”: Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq
The chronicles recount that, while praying in the little dilapidated church of San Damiano, Saint Francis of Assisi heard a voice: “Francis, go repair my church, which as you can…
Being Chinese in Australia: Public Opinion in Chinese Communities
Being Chinese in Australia: Public Opinion in Chinese Communities
Amid debates on foreign interference, Australia-China relations and the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lowy Institute’s Multiculturalism, Identity and Influence Project conducted a…
How far would Australia go in defence of the rules-based order?
How far would Australia go in defence of the rules-based order?
Last month, I alerted Interpreter readers to a new Lowy Institute debate feature on America and the Rules-based Order. In my comments about the debate, I said that Australia faced…
Are Indonesia’s “rubber” laws limiting freedom of speech?
Are Indonesia’s “rubber” laws limiting freedom of speech?
In an unexpected announcement, Indonesian President Joko (Jokowi) Widodo this month called upon Indonesia’s military and police leadership to “improve supervision to ensure…
India’s Koo plots a digital coup
India’s Koo plots a digital coup
Facebook might be a social media behemoth, its reach and power made apparent when Australian users saw local news rubbed off their screens from Thursday in response to new media…