Global Issues

Chequebook diplomacy in the Pacific: Not just the big fish
Chequebook diplomacy in the Pacific: Not just the big fish
States have many tools at their disposal to gain influence and project power. Some opt for pressure, coercion or force. Others seek to build closer people-to-people…
International law takes a step towards Asia
International law takes a step towards Asia
As the historical development of international law has been dominated by European principles and doctrine, there is an argument that public international law has always been…
Emerging From COVID: Policy Responses To The Pandemic
Emerging From COVID: Policy Responses To The Pandemic
In this new feature, Lowy Institute experts provide policy recommendations for Australia to address issues that are critical to our nation’s — and the world’s —…
China’s pipeline dream in Pakistan
China’s pipeline dream in Pakistan
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is one of the flagship projects of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). It initially attracted US$46 billion in investment, which was…
COVIDcast: Hugh White on Coronavirus and Asia’s power balance
COVIDcast: Hugh White on Coronavirus and Asia’s power balance
The pandemic has both amplified and accelerated the escalating strategic rivalry between the United States and China … which has become much more intense in the last few months. …
COVIDcast: Hugh White on Coronavirus and Asia’s power balance
COVIDcast: Hugh White on Coronavirus and Asia’s power balance
In this episode of COVIDcast, Sam Roggeveen, Lowy Institute’s Director of the International Security Program, sat down with Professor Hugh White to discuss the connection between…
Finding compromise in the Chagos Islands saga
Finding compromise in the Chagos Islands saga
The Chagos Archipelago of 54 islands, formerly administered as a dependency of the British Colony of Mauritius, was excised from Mauritius by the UK in 1965, three years before…
K-pop “stans” unleashed: Hijacking hashtags for social action
K-pop “stans” unleashed: Hijacking hashtags for social action
As protestors in America mourned the death of George Floyd, the hastag #BlackLivesMatter was trending on social media platforms with solidarity posts worldwide as a protest…
Australia’s shifting mood on climate change
Australia’s shifting mood on climate change
At the beginning of 2020, Australia’s national conversation was dominated by the catastrophic bushfires raging throughout the country. The fires killed at least 34 people, burned…
The goals for Australia to do better
The goals for Australia to do better
Although the idea is hard to bear, we now all know that Australia’s 2019–20 bushfire catastrophe and the Covid-19 crisis will not be one-off historical events. Public health…