Human rights

Why do we travel to unsettling places?
Why do we travel to unsettling places?
During a summer break, The Interpreter will feature selected articles each day from throughout the past year. Normal publishing will resume 15 January, 2024. This article first…
Manila’s killing fields: Rodrigo Duterte’s bloody war on the poor
Manila’s killing fields: Rodrigo Duterte’s bloody war on the poor
Book review: Some People Need Killing: A Memoir of Murder In My Country by Patricia Evangelista (Penguin Random House, 2023) “When I become president, when I take my oath of…
Human trafficking: Harnessing technology to help those most vulnerable
Human trafficking: Harnessing technology to help those most vulnerable
If you are a person who has been trafficked, a lot of bad things will have happened to you by the time you are rescued or escape. However, for hundreds of thousands of trafficked…
Australia’s chance to show global leadership on Rohingya displacement
Australia’s chance to show global leadership on Rohingya displacement
The Rohingya – the world’s largest stateless population – have faced decades of systematic persecution, including mass displacement following targeted violence in Rakhine State in…
Online scams in Southeast Asia create double victims: those targeted and those forced to carry them out
Online scams in Southeast Asia create double victims: those targeted and those forced to carry them out
The job ads always sound too good to be true. Open and well-paid positions at a popular casino. Lodgings, benefits and other perks provided. But it all ends up quite the…
The Kalash are under threat from Pakistani Taliban
The Kalash are under threat from Pakistani Taliban
On the morning of 6 September 2023, the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) launched a massive attack in the Chitral district of Pakistan. More than 500 TTP militants stormed the checkpoints…
Pakistan at a crossroads on blasphemy
Pakistan at a crossroads on blasphemy
On 16 August, an enraged mob vandalised and set alight multiple churches and attacked the homes of members of a minority Christian community following an alleged incident of…
Testimonial therapy: Buddhism’s influence in the aftermath of the Khmer Rouge tribunal
Testimonial therapy: Buddhism’s influence in the aftermath of the Khmer Rouge tribunal
At the courtroom premises, robed monks gathered to chant. Candlelight cast a gentle glow as tendrils of incense wafted through the air, creating a sacred atmosphere as sunlight…
The future of gig work
The future of gig work
The gig economy – characterised by on-demand, freelance and short-term employment in which service providers connect with consumers through mobile apps and websites – is…
Cultural security in the Pacific: Why it matters for regional security
Cultural security in the Pacific: Why it matters for regional security
Last week, Pacific leaders and officials discussed the region’s ocean governance in Nadi, law enforcement in Koror, a potential Australia–Pacific COP31 in Suva, and Melanesian…