Indonesia's Economy

Indonesia’s uncertain climb up the nickel value chain
Indonesia’s uncertain climb up the nickel value chain
Indonesia has historically had limited success with industrial policy. That may now be changing, with recent interventionist policies targeting the nickel sector suggesting…
Making sense of Indonesia’s fuel riots
Making sense of Indonesia’s fuel riots
With less than two months until the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia has gone into public security mode. The government is facing a major public backlash after President Joko Widodo…
The Indonesia Investment Authority: Jokowi’s trouble-shooter?
The Indonesia Investment Authority: Jokowi’s trouble-shooter?
Since President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) entered office in 2014, his priority has been infrastructure construction, with his re-election in 2019 partly due to the government’s…
The true challenge to Indonesia’s large informal economy
The true challenge to Indonesia’s large informal economy
In a burst of self-confidence, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, boasted to leaders of G20 countries at the recent summit in Rome that his country’s…
Putting real Australian money on the table to help Indonesia
Putting real Australian money on the table to help Indonesia
Australia is lending A$1.5 billion to Indonesia to help it get through the economic crisis unleashed by Covid-19. This is welcome news and another sign of Australia stepping up to…
Covid-19 and Indonesian monetary policy
Covid-19 and Indonesian monetary policy
Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, it had become routine for central banks in rich countries to help fund budget deficits by buying government bonds. “Quantitative easing” (QE)…
Economic diplomacy: Borders, barriers and obstacles
Economic diplomacy: Borders, barriers and obstacles
Homeward bound While Australia’s embrace of economic sovereignty has so far involved more rhetoric than real financial resources, cash incentives for reshoring manufacturing are…
Indonesia's Economy Needs More Than A Reboot from Jokowi
Indonesia's Economy Needs More Than A Reboot from Jokowi
Originally published in Bloomberg.
Keeping Indonesia’s Economy Afloat Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Policy Briefs
Keeping Indonesia’s Economy Afloat Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Well-crafted emergency financing from Bank Indonesia and international partners such as Australia could be pivotal in getting Indonesia through this crisis
Emerging from COVID: Policy Responses to the Pandemic
Policy Briefs
Emerging from COVID: Policy Responses to the Pandemic
Lowy Institute experts provide policy recommendations for Australia to address issues that are critical to our nation's — and the world's — successful emergence from the pandemic.