
Indonesia’s uncertain climb up the nickel value chain
Indonesia’s uncertain climb up the nickel value chain
Indonesia has historically had limited success with industrial policy. That may now be changing, with recent interventionist policies targeting the nickel sector suggesting…
Indonesia’s own subs conundrum
Indonesia’s own subs conundrum
This September will mark 50 years of formal diplomatic ties between Indonesia and South Korea. Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already kicked off celebrations,…
Australia and Indonesia can lead a response to refugee crisis in the region
Australia and Indonesia can lead a response to refugee crisis in the region
A rare ministerial meeting of the Bali Process in Adelaide on Friday is an opportunity for engagement, collaboration and leadership on a matter of urgent regional concern – the…
Global energy scarcity and the South China Sea
Global energy scarcity and the South China Sea
Last month, the Indonesian government approved natural gas exploration in the Tuna gas bloc, part of the largest untapped natural gas deposit in the world. The development of the…
Indonesia gets the ball rolling on domestic worker rights
Indonesia gets the ball rolling on domestic worker rights
Last Wednesday, after almost 20 years languishing in the legislature, the Domestic Worker Protection Bill was publicly endorsed by Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in an…
How an Australian freed an unfinished nation’s history
How an Australian freed an unfinished nation’s history
Book review: Indonesia out of Exile: How Pramoedya’s Buru Quartet Killed a Dictatorship, by Max Lane (Penguin, 2023) Australia’s relationships with Indonesia are usually…
Pop culture politics: How to Interpret 2022
Pop culture politics: How to Interpret 2022
Missed the headline? Hollywood star Angelina Jolie is stepping down after more than 20 years as ambassador for the UN refugee agency. It’s fine, because India’s celebrities are…
To unchain Indonesia’s commodity reliance
To unchain Indonesia’s commodity reliance
Indonesia’s dependence on commodity wealth has been a prominent feature in its economy. The archipelago’s abundance of minerals and agriculture resources coupled with poor local…
Islands as stepping stones for India-Australia collaboration
Islands as stepping stones for India-Australia collaboration
As maritime neighbours, India and Australia form the bookends of the Indian Ocean region. At a time of “big power muscle movement”, as Australia’s Navy Fleet Commander Rear…
Getting the narrative right: China’s media reach in Indonesia
Getting the narrative right: China’s media reach in Indonesia
As China’s President Xi Jinping arrived in Bali a fortnight ago to attend the G20 summit, Indonesian public network Televisi Republik Indonesia began airing “Classics Quoted by Xi…