International Relations

Syria: World dithers as new refugee crisis looms
It remains too early to predict the collapse of the Assad regime, or the way in which it might end, although the possibility of 'catastrophic success' on the part of the jihadist…
Iran nuclear deal: Surrendering to grim reality
The conclusion of the Iran nuclear deal – or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, to give it its formal title – has already guaranteed us one thing: mutually assured hyperbole…
Middle East and small island states top priorities as New Zealand takes on UNSC presidency
Six months into its membership of the UN Security Council, New Zealand will get to wield the gavel at the famed horseshoe table in New York over the course of this month…
How America failed the Waterloo test
Two hundred years ago last Friday, British and allied troops defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. Exiled in April 1814 to Elba after his defeat by the Sixth Coalition, by March 1815…
Twitter for diplomats: Libya incident illustrates trade-offs
Danielle Cave has argued that Australia could benefit from a less cautious approach to digital diplomacy. For example, the increasing informality of Foreign Minister Julie Bishop…
A diplomatic mission to abolish the death penalty would be a fitting response to executions
A diplomatic mission to abolish the death penalty would be a fitting response to executions
A diplomatic mission to abolish the death penalty would be a fitting response to executionsDr Michael FulliloveSydney Morning Herald4 May 2015Click here for the online text…
Australia's unsustainable approach to asylum-seekers
At a time when international cooperation on refugees is most sorely needed, countries are instead resorting to increasing unilateralism. Australia is at the forefront. Retreating…
Nepal aid response reflects regional rivalries
In recent years, strategic rivalry between India and China has been evident across the Indo-Pacific, with Beijing progressively growing its diplomatic, economic and military…
Six ideas for rescuing Australian digital diplomacy
Australia's approach to digital diplomacy is second-rate and entirely inadequate for a nation that sees itself as 'a top 20 country'. Despite an expanded social media presence,…
A note to Congressional Republicans: Why the neocon formula won't work in Asia
Last month, a majority of the Republicans in the US Senate sent an open letter to the leadership of Iran. In it, they declared that any deal on Iranian nuclear technology between…