
What next for the anti-whale hunters?
What next for the anti-whale hunters?
Japan’s whale hunters are expected home any day, carrying up to 300 minke whales killed in the Southern Ocean. A harpoon ship, Yushin Maru No. 2, quietly slipped into Shiogama…
Moritomo Gakuen: Shinzo Abe’s scandal that just won’t go away
Moritomo Gakuen: Shinzo Abe’s scandal that just won’t go away
Sunday 11 March marked the seventh anniversary of the Tohoku triple disaster, when a powerful earthquake off Japan’s Pacific coast and the subsequent tsunami devastated…
Moon versus Abe and the contest for America’s ear
Moon versus Abe and the contest for America’s ear
A battle is underway between Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Moon Jae-in over their differing approaches to North Korea. They are competing to shape…
Asia’s escalating missile race
Asia’s escalating missile race
If the Cold War was one long arms race, the modern era could be accurately described as an arms jog. Countries are defined less by how many nuclear warheads they have,…
Australia–Japan defence deal: noteworthy, not newsworthy
Australia–Japan defence deal: noteworthy, not newsworthy
Pity the news subeditor in summertime Australia. It’s January, the days are languid, and even the Trump administration can’t fill the entire World News section. Unsurprisingly,…
Japan: Shinzo Abe faces challenges across the board
Japan: Shinzo Abe faces challenges across the board
As news outlets in Japan summed up the year that was and the year ahead, Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan’s most widely read (and notably pro-government) newspaper featured its top 10…
Japan: Shinzo Abe wrestles with constitutional change
Japan: Shinzo Abe wrestles with constitutional change
Wednesday 29 November in Tokyo, and the morning's breaking news was not Kim Jong-Un firing another missile but that sumo grand champion Haruma Fuji had announced his…
The symbolic politics of the Dokdo/Takeshima dispute
The symbolic politics of the Dokdo/Takeshima dispute
In recent years, maritime disputes have become highly visible microcosms of broader contests in the Indo-Pacific region. While much attention has been paid to disputes in the…
A reborn quadrilateral to deter China
A reborn quadrilateral to deter China
Recent news that Australia’s Foreign Minister has indicated interest in taking part in a resurrected US-Australia-Japan-India quadrilateral dialogue on the sidelines of the…
Asia trip reveals the Trump dichotomy
Asia trip reveals the Trump dichotomy
Speaking in Tokyo on Monday night, President Donald Trump was serious and gracious. 'Japan is a very special place. The Japanese people are thriving, your cities are vibrant, and…