Multilateral Institutions

Six reasons to be cautious about Australia establishing a DFI
Six reasons to be cautious about Australia establishing a DFI
In The Interpreter this week, Roland Rajah presented five reasons for establishing a Development Finance Institution (DFI). While he makes a good case, like any major policy…
Multilateralism matters again
Multilateralism matters again
Freshly sworn in and already warmly welcomed by Quad leaders in Tokyo, Anthony Albanese got off to a swinging start on the foreign policy front. As the realities of government set…
Diplomacy is indispensable to manage the Mekong
Diplomacy is indispensable to manage the Mekong
Milton Osborne mischaracterises the Mekong River Commission when writing last month in The Interpreter that the regional organisation “ignores reality”. To say we were …
There is life in the Non-Alignment Movement yet
There is life in the Non-Alignment Movement yet
Local observers of international affairs may have missed the Non-Aligned Movement’s 60th anniversary commemorative summit earlier this month. A Cold War relic, NAM,…
Zooming out of digital diplomacy
Zooming out of digital diplomacy
We’re firmly entrenched in an era of hybrid diplomacy, floating between in-person and videoconference diplomacy. In speaking to those in the game, three facts have come to light:…
Did 9/11 change our world?
Did 9/11 change our world?
We asked six experts, “Did 9/11 define our world? If so, how? If not, what did?” After each of their responses to these questions, editor Lydia Khalil challenges the experts…
The trouble with Washington’s ‘Rules-Based Order’ gambit
The trouble with Washington’s ‘Rules-Based Order’ gambit
Improved U.S. compliance with international norms would greatly enhance U.S. defense of the rules-based international order. Originally published in The Diplomat.
Rules Based Audio (Episode 1): In Conversation with John Ikenberry
Rules Based Audio (Episode 1): In Conversation with John Ikenberry
In an increasingly contested world, basic questions about how the world works, and how it should work, are being asked anew. In Rules Based Audio we will be posing those questions…
New push for WTO trade reform
New push for WTO trade reform
With the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Doha Round of negotiations stalled nearly 20 years after its launch, it takes an optimist to see the prospect of the multilateral rules…
Indonesia raises ASEAN’s bar on Myanmar
Indonesia raises ASEAN’s bar on Myanmar
For much of his presidency, Indonesia’s Joko Widodo has taken a mercantilist view of foreign policy, pushing the country’s diplomats to promote trade and investment while keeping…