Papua New Guinea

PNG looks to enhance its foreign investment regime
PNG looks to enhance its foreign investment regime
This article originally appeared in the Economist Intelligence Unit, 16 January 2023.
Papua New Guinea: Reining in MP slush funds
Papua New Guinea: Reining in MP slush funds
In January, Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister James Marape announced that the constituency development funds allocated to MPs will be increased this year to K3 billion (A$1.2…
Australia cements ties with PNG, reinforces role in Pacific
Australia cements ties with PNG, reinforces role in Pacific
This article originally appeared in the Economist Intelligence Unit, 16 January 2023.
For PNG, Albanese’s visit was about more than just security
For PNG, Albanese’s visit was about more than just security
For James Marape, Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister, strengthening trade appears to be his main focus. Marape has said previously that PNG is still an emerging economy and cannot…
New tax increase on PNG banks raises concerns
New tax increase on PNG banks raises concerns
This article originally appeared in the Economist Intelligence Unit, 23 December 2022.
Chinese aid to the Pacific: decreasing, but not disappearing
Chinese aid to the Pacific: decreasing, but not disappearing
Chinese engagement in the Pacific regularly hit the headlines in 2022, sometimes with dire warnings. The recent China–Solomon Islands security agreement sent shock waves across…
PNG needs a census, not more population estimates
PNG needs a census, not more population estimates
Nobody really knows the size of Papua New Guinea’s population. In December last year, a furore erupted over a 17 million estimate from a supressed United Nations report leaked to…
PNG’s sovereign wealth fund struggles to get off the ground
PNG’s sovereign wealth fund struggles to get off the ground
This article originally appeared in the Economist Intelligence Unit, 23 November 2022.
Seeking independence: three books to read this summer
Seeking independence: three books to read this summer
In her book, Becoming, Michelle Obama revealed that her husband, former United States President Barack Obama, has about eight books on the go to read at any time. I’ve lived a…
MP slush funds used to maintain power in PNG
MP slush funds used to maintain power in PNG
After winning a new term as the Papua New Guinean Prime Minister in August, James Marape has busied himself rewarding members of parliament and strengthening his coalition. One…