
Philippines: Covid-19 will devastate the poor
Philippines: Covid-19 will devastate the poor
Flaviano Villanueva was in tears last Thursday. It was day five of the “enhanced community quarantine” in Metro Manila, where the priest runs a homeless centre. The sprawling…
Australia-Philippines: Prolonged partners
Australia-Philippines: Prolonged partners
The announcement by the Duterte administration last month that it will terminate the 1998 Philippines-US Visiting Forces Agreement will likely also raise questions about the…
Philippines: When democracies hit midlife crisis
Philippines: When democracies hit midlife crisis
Democracy in the Philippines turned 34 last week. The nation commemorated the peaceful mass demonstration that ousted the dictator Ferdinand Marcos from power. A group of…
Pushing the Philippines‑US alliance over the cliff
Pushing the Philippines‑US alliance over the cliff
The termination of the 1998 Philippines-US Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) initiated by the Duterte administration will mark a historic disruption of American power projection in…
The politics of racism as the Philippines struggles with coronavirus
The politics of racism as the Philippines struggles with coronavirus
It would almost seem nothing could further divide politics and society in the Philippines – and then the coronavirus arrived. Only three cases have been confirmed in the country,…
Martial law is lifted, but “state of emergency” persists in Mindanao
Martial law is lifted, but “state of emergency” persists in Mindanao
Martial law was lifted in the southern Philippines island of Mindanao on 1 January, an indication of what a military spokesperson called an “improved security climate” in the…
A verdict on justice in a land of impunity
A verdict on justice in a land of impunity
I still remember the last time I saw Marlene Esperat. How could I not? She was wearing a red dress and matching high-heeled shoes. Her eyes sparkled with glittery makeup. Marlene…
The Marawi siege and after: Managing NGO-military relations
The Marawi siege and after: Managing NGO-military relations
Mindanao has always been a militarised zone due to the combined influence of insurgency, high criminality, and clan violence. Yet the five-month Marawi siege in 2017 and the…
The Philippine standoff over China
The Philippine standoff over China
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte is scheduled to arrive in China on Wednesday for his fifth presidential visit to China in less than three years. His predecessor, President…
Dengue spirals out of control in the Philippines
Dengue spirals out of control in the Philippines
The recent declaration of a national dengue fever epidemic in the Philippines has sounded a public-health alarm in the Western Pacific, as cases of the tropical virus continue to…