Public Diplomacy And International Broadcasting

Radio Australia: The soft power tool eroded by neglect
Radio Australia: The soft power tool eroded by neglect
This week the ABC pulled the plug on shortwave transmissions to its Radio Australia (RA) audiences across the Pacific and South East Asia. One by one, the lights of RA, Australia…
The Lowy Institute Global Diplomacy Index
The Lowy Institute Global Diplomacy Index
The Global Diplomacy Index is an interactive web tool which maps and ranks the diplomatic networks of all G20 and OECD nations: 42 countries in total. Alex Oliver
Understanding Public Diplomacy in East Asia - book chapter
Understanding Public Diplomacy in East Asia - book chapter
Alex Oliver and former Australian senator Russell Trood have written a chapter on Australia's public diplomacy in a new book from Palgrave, Understanding Public Diplomacy…
Australia makes another tilt at the UN Security Council
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has just announced that Australia will bid for a seat on the UN Security Council in 2029-30. That's 15 years from the end of our last Security…
Xi in America: China's poor grasp of public diplomacy on full display
Having a Catholic Pope and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China descend on Washington at almost exactly the same time helped illustrate something important about…
The silence of Australia's Imams on the Gulf States and refugees
As I wrote the other week, the Arab world, and the Gulf States in particular, have been happy to bat away any criticism of their complete refusal to resettle any refugees from…
BBC vs RT: Media wars, diplomacy and owning the message
Worried about the increased power and reach of state-owned broadcasters such as the Kremlin-backed Russia Today, it appears the BBC hopes to stem the trend of endless rounds of…
Passive-aggressive rivalry deepens China-Japan tensions
By Yanmei Xie, International Crisis Group’s Senior China Analyst, and Rachel Vandenbrink, graduate student at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts University. China’s…
How did Chinese media react to Abe's World War II speech?
By Marie-Alice McLean-Dreyfus, an intern with the Lowy Institute's East Asia Program. According to Chinese media outlets, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's speech on 14 August…
Indonesia: engagement through communication and culture has barely begun
In a new Lowy Institute Paper, former ONA analyst Ken Ward makes the case for 'more realistic' expectations for the Australia-Indonesia relationship. He writes that despite years…