
Book Review: A Partnership Transformed
Book Review: A Partnership Transformed
Book Review: A Partnership Transformed: Three Decades of Cooperation between the Asian Development Bank and the People's Republic of China in Support of Reform and Opening Up…
Book review: Winners take all
Book review: Winners take all
Book Review: Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World, by Anand Giridharadas (Knopf Doubleday, 2018) Anand Giridharadas, TED talking-head, columnist,…
Film review: They Shall Not Grow Old
Film review: They Shall Not Grow Old
Jackson achieves magnificently his professed goal of making a film about the human experience of the war. The commemorations marking the centenary of the First World War were so…
Book Review: the Clinton fiction
Book Review: the Clinton fiction
Review: The President is Missing, by Bill Clinton and James Patterson (Aldred A. Knopf, 2018) Former US President Bill Clinton is a man of singular gifts – a highly…
Book review: Protecting the international order from Trump trauma
Book review: Protecting the international order from Trump trauma
Book review: America vs the West, by Kori Schake (Lowy Institute Paper, Penguin, 2018) In a chaotic spectacle that is shaking the world, the Trump administration is…
Book review: Grappling with the legacy of Barack Obama
Book review: Grappling with the legacy of Barack Obama
Book review: The World as It Is: Inside the Obama White House, by Ben Rhodes (Random House, 2018). The slew of books that find their way to the shelves once a president has…