
Is Vladimir Putin sick?
Is Vladimir Putin sick?
Smoke hangs low over Europe’s skies. Most rises from pulverised Ukrainian cities, ruined by Russian artillery. Some, however, emanates from the ceaseless swirl of rumours about…
Global food threats: a chicken and egg story
Global food threats: a chicken and egg story
A slew of countries have announced food export bans or higher food export taxes as a result of the war in Ukraine. The initial shortages in the global wheat supply following…
War in Ukraine: Gloomy prospects
War in Ukraine: Gloomy prospects
Three months after Russia’s invasion, what’s the outlook for the war in Ukraine? On the ground, the prospect is for a protracted war of attrition. Russia’s initial…
Ukraine: The view from Warsaw
Ukraine: The view from Warsaw
This week I was in Warsaw listening to experts on regional strategy and security. It was clear that Poland sees itself as Ukraine’s champion. Beyond the immediate emergency…
Turning point? Putin, Xi, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Turning point? Putin, Xi, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has exposed the limitations of the Sino–Russian partnership.
No Gas: Lessons from Poland and Bulgaria for the Quad
No Gas: Lessons from Poland and Bulgaria for the Quad
While Russia’s attempt to blackmail Poland and Bulgaria by cutting off natural gas supplies may seem a distant question for the nations of the Indo-Pacific, we believe it is…
Turkey’s leverage over Russia – in Syria and beyond
Turkey’s leverage over Russia – in Syria and beyond
Russia’s current military fiasco in Ukraine could have a serious impact on Moscow’s position in Syria. A decision by Turkey to close its airspace to Russian planes flying to…
European neutrality is dying out
European neutrality is dying out
Vladimir Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine has had the opposite effect of his desire to divide Europe. Former neutrals – Finland, Sweden, Austria and Switzerland – are…
Transnistria: The next front of the Ukraine war
Transnistria: The next front of the Ukraine war
As Russia’s war of attrition grinds away in eastern Ukraine, Moscow seems to be opening a new front on Ukraine’s western border, in the Transnistria region of Moldova. A series of…
Putting Putin on trial to enforce a price for the powerful
Putting Putin on trial to enforce a price for the powerful
Stories of children finding the bullet-ridden bodies of their parents, repeated rapes, and airstrikes have revealed the horrors of Russia’s invasion to the world. In the two…