
Twenty years of BRICS
Twenty years of BRICS
It is 20 years since Goldman Sachs chief economist Jim O’Neill invented the BRIC economic grouping – Brazil, Russia, India and China – with South Africa added later to make up the…
Russia, more than China, leaves India with a dilemma
Russia, more than China, leaves India with a dilemma
Ukraine and Taiwan are now the major focal points in the geopolitical arena, testing the diplomacy of the United States but also other nations – India as much as any. Where India…
The Kremlin may be tiring of the impasse in eastern Ukraine
The Kremlin may be tiring of the impasse in eastern Ukraine
Reports this month of a sizeable recent build-up of Russian military forces around Ukraine’s borders have aroused fears in Kiev and Western capitals of impending Russian military…
Nord Stream 2: Will you go to the Gazprom with me?
Nord Stream 2: Will you go to the Gazprom with me?
Of the several spectres haunting Europe, the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is one of the most persistent. This week, the project hit another snag. Its approval process was…
Arms control is not just about arms
Arms control is not just about arms
Relations between Russian and the United States have been rocky since the 2014 Crimean crisis. Washington imposed various sanctions on the Kremlin in the aftermath of the…
Is Russia finally getting serious on climate change?
Is Russia finally getting serious on climate change?
At last month’s annual Valdai forum in Russia, President Vladimir Putin said it was “impossible” to deny climate change when disasters had become “almost a norm”.  …
China’s education diplomacy in Central Asia
China’s education diplomacy in Central Asia
Once upon a time, parents in Central Asia sent their children to Moscow or St Petersburg for higher education. Now, some of them are opting for China instead. China has become an…
China – a lonely superpower
China – a lonely superpower
As the United States, United Kingdom and Australia move to form a new AUKUS grouping, various reports have emerged of a “new Quad” led by China and featuring Iran, Pakistan and…
Lukashenko running on empty
Lukashenko running on empty
Belarusian autocrat Alexander Lukashenko is under pressure and increasingly isolated. That makes him more dangerous. And it poses challenges, as well as opportunities, for his…
Afghanistan: Russia faces its own risks and uncertainty
Afghanistan: Russia faces its own risks and uncertainty
The American withdrawal from Afghanistan offers some opportunities to Russia – but exposes it to greater uncertainty and risk. Russia has long been ambivalent about the US/NATO…