
Pakistan’s gamble with Russian oil
Pakistan’s gamble with Russian oil
News of the arrest of former prime minister Imran Khan has roiled Pakistan in the past day, which is the latest development in a long-winding saga. Much of the instability in the…
India still needs to work with Russia on Afghanistan
India still needs to work with Russia on Afghanistan
Today, in Western capitals, questions around Afghanistan largely revolve around humanitarian aid, women’s rights, education, and pushing the Taliban to maintain a level of the …
What does China want in Ukraine?
What does China want in Ukraine?
Strategic clarity arises in a crisis. When the world is relatively stable, the strategic calculations of the major powers are deliberately couched and clouded. Conflicts clear our…
Russia foreign policy: the search for new friends
Russia foreign policy: the search for new friends
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to its near-complete political and economic estrangement from the West. This has obliged Moscow to intensify reorientation of its foreign…
What of the Rohingya? The ICC, Ukraine, and limits of “international” justice
What of the Rohingya? The ICC, Ukraine, and limits of “international” justice
The International Criminal Court has sent a strong message to Russia’s government and beyond that war crimes should – and sometimes can – be prosecuted by issuing two arrest…
Russia’s shifting far right: the war party
Russia’s shifting far right: the war party
The distinction between political left and right in modern Russia differs from the framing used in Western narratives. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Communist party…
To help end war in Ukraine, the Quad should back India to engage Russia
To help end war in Ukraine, the Quad should back India to engage Russia
India has grown a reputation as a “global swing state”, an old term that has taken on a new resonance in the context of New Delhi’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. …
Great power rivalry is poisoning multilateralism
Great power rivalry is poisoning multilateralism
Multilateralism functions when great powers agree on certain fundamentals. Conversely, multilateralism is bound to sputter when there are deep contradictions between major powers…
Japan feels the pinch as fertiliser costs soar thanks to Russia’s war
Japan feels the pinch as fertiliser costs soar thanks to Russia’s war
For many countries, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had a grave impact on food costs and availability. Grain export bans and pipeline shutdowns by Russia have resulted in a sharp…
A Catch-22 for India’s tech ambitions
A Catch-22 for India’s tech ambitions
The ongoing Russia–Ukraine war has induced several unexpected shifts in global geopolitical dynamics. While previously stagnant India–Russia trade has more than tripled in just…