South Korea

The symbolic politics of the Dokdo/Takeshima dispute
The symbolic politics of the Dokdo/Takeshima dispute
In recent years, maritime disputes have become highly visible microcosms of broader contests in the Indo-Pacific region. While much attention has been paid to disputes in the…
The Korean Peninsula’s year in review
The Korean Peninsula’s year in review
This has been a rollercoaster year for the Korean Peninsula. The South Koreans impeached their president. The North Koreans tested dozens of rockets, including…
Why South Korea and Japan should not go nuclear
Why South Korea and Japan should not go nuclear
By David Vallance, an intern in the Lowy Institute's International Security Program, and Euan Graham, Director of the International Security Program. The road to nuclear…
War on the Korean Peninsula: Targeting a better peace
War on the Korean Peninsula: Targeting a better peace
The rhetoric emanating from Washington and Pyongyang may soon reach the point at which a peaceful resolution is no longer be possible. A year ago the chance of war on the Korean…
North Korea: Why the West freaks out but South Korea doesn’t
North Korea: Why the West freaks out but South Korea doesn’t
The war-scare over North Korean missiles continues to escalate, yet the outcome is not really in doubt. I don't know one person in the Korea analyst community who thinks war is…
Australia and Korea’s wars: A debate worth revisiting
Australia and Korea’s wars: A debate worth revisiting
Tensions have temporarily abated on the Korean Peninsula, following the latest blustery exchanges between Washington and Pyongyang. In typically mercurial fashion, after…
Australia and Korea’s wars
Australia and Korea’s wars
In light of recent discussion about Australia's responsibilities under the Korean Armistice Agreement, we are republishing this post that first appeared on 29 November, 2010. In…
Learning to live with a North Korean ICBM
Learning to live with a North Korean ICBM
Last week’s test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) by North Korea raises the time-honored question of East Asian international relations: what to do with a…
Back in focus: The United Nations Command in South Korea
Back in focus: The United Nations Command in South Korea
Following his recent speech at the Shangri-la Dialogue in Singapore, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis was asked a question about North Korea. This excerpt from his answer…
Can South Korea’s new president finally tackle corruption?
Can South Korea’s new president finally tackle corruption?
South Korea at last has a new president, Moon Jae In. Moon is a liberal, and that has absorbed much of the political discourse since his inauguration. There is anxiety on the…