Southeast Asia

Indonesia’s anti-terror law: crisis to consensus
Indonesia’s anti-terror law: crisis to consensus
This is the first of two articles examining the politics behind Indonesia’s revised anti-terror law in the wake of the May family suicide bombings. The second article is available…
Food for thought: Sulawesi’s “healing kitchens”
Food for thought: Sulawesi’s “healing kitchens”
When international and local media started to feature stories about the heroes of Palu after the Central Sulawesi city was hit by 7.5 magnitude earthquake and…
Hun Sen at the UN: a strategic appearance
Hun Sen at the UN: a strategic appearance
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen last week spoke at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. His presence at this year was highly strategic following the country’s …
Reinforcing Indonesia–Australia defence relations: The case for maritime recalibration
Reinforcing Indonesia–Australia defence relations: The case for maritime recalibration
A maritime realignment of Australia–Indonesia defence relations could shape the broader Indo-Pacific security architecture and provide an additional strategic hedge for…
Sulawesi tsunami: how Australia can best help
Sulawesi tsunami: how Australia can best help
Yet another tsunami in Indonesia. The earthquake and resulting wave of destruction in Palu, Central Sulawesi, is the second major natural disaster to strike the…
Malaysia: allowing students to find voice
Malaysia: allowing students to find voice
In October 2016, a group of four students stood in front of a public forum at the Universiti Malaya and declared “students want answers”. They had attended an event featuring the…
Myanmar: media stranglehold
Myanmar: media stranglehold
In a park in downtown Yangon, a mix of passers-by and snack venders milled about, watching curiously as a pack of reporters jostled amongst themselves for a position. The focus…
The James Ricketson trial
The James Ricketson trial
In the early days of his landmark espionage trial, Australian filmmaker James Ricketson carried a book – “The Faithful Spy” – into the courtroom. It left Cambodian reporters…
Mahathir redux: the past guides the future
Mahathir redux: the past guides the future
Impulsive yet calculating, persuasive but often authoritarian, a visionary obsessed with details, Mahathir Mohamad’s first tenure as prime minister from 1981-2003 undoubtedly left…
The Rohingyas: a new terrorist threat?
The Rohingyas: a new terrorist threat?
This is the final in a series of three articles on the Rohingya crisis, featuring Morten Pederson on the domestic drivers of conflict, and Nicholas Farrelly on the …