
Assad's Moscow cameo shows that Russia wants a deal
This week, unexpectedly, Syrian President Bashar Assad turned up in Moscow. He hasn't been seen outside Syria since unrest broke out four years ago. The trip makes two important…
On Syria, the West must face facts: Russia can help
Western analysts have been at pains to discern Russia's 'real aims' in Syria.  But the best explanation probably remains the simplest: the preservation of the existing Syrian…
Putin’s gambit changes game
Putin’s gambit changes game
Putin’s gambit changes gameAlan DupontThe Australian9 October 2015Alan Dupont
Neighbours share responsibility for Syria's morass
Neighbours share responsibility for Syria's morass
Neighbours share responsibility for Syria's morassRodger ShanahanThe Australian6 October 2015Rodger Shanahan
Syrian refugee crisis: Time for the G20 to step up
By the Lowy Institute's G20 Fellow Tristram Sainsbury and Research Associate Casper Wuite. Chatham House's Paola Subacchi recently asked why the G20 has not addressed the Syrian…
Russia’s Syrian levers give control the West can only dream of
Russia’s Syrian levers give control the West can only dream of
Russia’s Syrian levers give control the West can only dream ofRodger Shanahan  The Australian21 September 2015Click here for the online text.Rodger Shanahan
Is Russia's growing intervention in Syria a game changer?
The latest analysis of the Syrian conflict from the Institute for the Study of War provides a detailed examination of what it describes (correctly) as a game changer. Assuming…
Open-source intelligence links: Soldiers on Instagram, Russian submarines, Chinese drones, Syria and more
Thanks to advances in digital technologies, open-source intelligence (OSINT) is playing an increasingly important role in the mix of intelligence collected by state and non-state…
The silence of Australia's Imams on the Gulf States and refugees
As I wrote the other week, the Arab world, and the Gulf States in particular, have been happy to bat away any criticism of their complete refusal to resettle any refugees from…
Yazidi refugees have an urgent need for protection from genocide
The Australian Government has finally announced that it will increase its humanitarian intake by 12,000 places in the wake of the Syrian crisis. Amid the cacophony over which…