
US-China: A Cold War lesson to apply “rules of the road” at sea
US-China: A Cold War lesson to apply “rules of the road” at sea
The most recent Taiwan Strait incident between the US Navy and the PLA Navy have not only highlighted how determined both sides are to advance their positions in the Strait, but…
Why the WHO needs Taiwan
Why the WHO needs Taiwan
In late 2021, just outside Taipei, a highly pathogenic coronavirus leaked from a lab.          It happened in a high-containment…
The two big flaws in Penny Wong’s talk of deterrence over Taiwan
The two big flaws in Penny Wong’s talk of deterrence over Taiwan
Speaking at the Press Club in Canberra last week, Foreign Minister Penny Wong dismissed discussion about war over Taiwan as “dangerous … parlour games”. It was an odd thing to say…
Taiwan: Far from lost in translation, Macron said exactly what he meant
Taiwan: Far from lost in translation, Macron said exactly what he meant
Returning from a trip to Beijing, President Emmanuel Macron gave an interview this week to journalists from Politico and French newspaper Les Echos. His words, especially when…
How does Australia square AUKUS with Taiwan?
How does Australia square AUKUS with Taiwan?
Will the nuclear submarine deal with Washington drag Australia into a conflict with China? Not if Canberra uses its diplomatic powers well. Originally published in the Australian…
AUKUS commits Australia to fight China if America does, simple
AUKUS commits Australia to fight China if America does, simple
Defence Minister Richard Marles is sure that the AUKUS submarine deal does not commit Australia to support America in a war with China over Taiwan. He made the point in two…
A Chinese invasion of Taiwan isn’t inevitable
A Chinese invasion of Taiwan isn’t inevitable
On 1 February, the People’s Liberation Army sent 20 aircraft across the median line dividing Taiwan from the Chinese mainland. Taiwan’s Defence Ministry responded to the…
Indonesia gets the ball rolling on domestic worker rights
Indonesia gets the ball rolling on domestic worker rights
Last Wednesday, after almost 20 years languishing in the legislature, the Domestic Worker Protection Bill was publicly endorsed by Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in an…
How to Interpret 2022: A Taiwan crisis
How to Interpret 2022: A Taiwan crisis
One overnight stay. But that flying visit to Taiwan in August by Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, second in line for the presidency, certainly caused a…
Will the three Ts tie India and Taiwan?
Will the three Ts tie India and Taiwan?
India’s diplomats have been told to focus on the three Ts: Trade, Technology and Tourism.  Together, these make a fourth T, Taiwan, look attractive. Just in tourism, the…