
Beijing’s online gaming clampdown
Beijing’s online gaming clampdown
Last month, Tencent Chairman and Chief Executive Pony Ma (马化腾) sent out an open letter, announcing a major strategic shift in direction for one of Asia’s most valuable technology…
Disinformation campaigns and US elections
Disinformation campaigns and US elections
A New York Times article this month revealed a new tactic in the US war against election disinformation. US election officials had notified Russians suspected of involvement in…
Daylight robbery: cyber escapades of North Korea
Daylight robbery: cyber escapades of North Korea
When a gang robs a bank, it’s a crime. When a nation launches an attack on another state’s territory, it’s an act of war. But what is it when a nation state robs another state’s…
China: how big tech is learning to love the party
China: how big tech is learning to love the party
In mid-September, rumours swirled that Huawei Technologies, the world’s largest telecommunications firm, would be acquired by an unnamed Chinese state-owned enterprise (SOE),…
Decoding the bombshell story for China
Decoding the bombshell story for China
It is near impossible to find any mention of the Chinese chip hacking story in Bloomberg Businessweek that does not use the words “bombshell” or “explosive” to describe the piece…
China’s tech bubble
China’s tech bubble
In the four decades that have followed China’s initial stage of post-Mao “Reform and Opening Up”, the world has learned to expect great things from the Middle Kingdom’s centrally…
Electric vehicles and industrial policy 
Electric vehicles and industrial policy 
A dramatic shift is underway in the global automotive market. Electric vehicles (EVs), once viewed as toys, are gaining momentum. There are now more than 4 million electric…
Drones, clones, and camera phones
Drones, clones, and camera phones
Public surveillance has proven to be of great value for a host of public-order interests, from traffic management in large cities to provision of vital intelligence and evidence…
Exceptional access: Australia’s encryption laws
Exceptional access: Australia’s encryption laws
The Australian Government will soon unveil contentious national security legislation granting law enforcement exceptional access under warrant to the encrypted data of suspected…
The technology shock
The technology shock
Developments in technology are challenging economists, businesses, and governments alike, confronting traditional methodologies and foundational ideas. Technology is genuinely…