
Indonesia’s digital success deserves more attention
Indonesia’s digital success deserves more attention
Indonesia has made enormous strides in digitalisation. Yet, when people hear about digital success in the emerging world, the conversation turns mostly to India and China…
How can we regulate AI? Let’s just ask it
How can we regulate AI? Let’s just ask it
In the span of a just a few months, ChatGPT, an advanced conversational artificial intelligence language model, has gained over 200 million users worldwide. The artificial…
The Quad needs to talk security for subsea cables
The Quad needs to talk security for subsea cables
Chances are that you’ve never heard of the International Cable Protection Committee. Founded in 1958, the ICPC is an international institution with 69 countries represented by…
Chips, subsidies, security, and great power competition
Chips, subsidies, security, and great power competition
Motives in the tech competition between the United States and China pose increasingly difficult policy issues for other economies.
AI vs democracy: the battle is already here
AI vs democracy: the battle is already here
The race for Artificial Intelligence dominance is now on. And with the rise of AI has come dire warnings about its impact on governance and humanity at large. But the challenge…
A Catch-22 for India’s tech ambitions
A Catch-22 for India’s tech ambitions
The ongoing Russia–Ukraine war has induced several unexpected shifts in global geopolitical dynamics. While previously stagnant India–Russia trade has more than tripled in just…
Indonesia’s nickel superhighway
Indonesia’s nickel superhighway
Indonesia currently has the most significant nickel deposit in the world, putting it in a prime position to build advanced industries such as renewable energy, in which rare…
Link start-ups ecosystems to build influence in Southeast Asia
Link start-ups ecosystems to build influence in Southeast Asia
In 2019, Indonesian President Joko Widodo surprised many when he appointed 35-year old Nadiem Makarim as Minister for Education and Culture. Makarim had risen to prominence as the…
Towards meaningful Quad cooperation on intelligence
Towards meaningful Quad cooperation on intelligence
The Quad has a lot on its plate. The informal grouping of Australia, India, Japan and the United States began modestly, but stepped up its ambition two years ago, with regular…
Allies, algorithms and safety online
Allies, algorithms and safety online
Alan Turing’s pioneering work with algorithms in 1941 led to the cracking of the Nazi Enigma code, shortening the Second World War by years and saving millions of lives.  He…