
Russia seeks benefit from the Gaza conflict
Russia seeks benefit from the Gaza conflict
For Russia, the Gaza conflict provides an opportunity – but one that could prove to have a sting in the tail. First, the war in Gaza is already distracting global political…
Ukraine: 2024 headwinds
Ukraine: 2024 headwinds
This week saw the US House of Representatives finally elect a new Speaker after a long and rancorous debate. A bill to fund continued American support for Ukraine’s war effort is…
A Marshall Plan for Ukraine?
A Marshall Plan for Ukraine?
The war must yet be won, however both German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have called for a “Marshall Plan” style commitment to…
The dual-use conundrum
The dual-use conundrum
In the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, there has emerged something of an unlikely hero. Known as the TB-2, it is a medium-range reconnaissance and strike drone…
McCarthy’s fall and the far-right influence on American foreign policy
McCarthy’s fall and the far-right influence on American foreign policy
The United States Congress has descended, once again, into chaos. Last week, Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy lost his grip on congressional…
Power of Siberia 2: Moving beyond a pipe dream?
Power of Siberia 2: Moving beyond a pipe dream?
Cut off from Europe after its invasion of Ukraine, Russia is “pivoting to Asia”, and especially China, to find alternative markets for natural gas. Moscow wants a larger share of…
Ukraine counteroffensive makes gains but dark clouds loom in Washington
Ukraine counteroffensive makes gains but dark clouds loom in Washington
In the last two weeks there have been positive developments for Ukraine’s counteroffensive but also worrying signs regarding long-term support from the United States. Successful…
Ukraine has Moscow in its crosshairs but that shouldn’t make us squeamish
Ukraine has Moscow in its crosshairs but that shouldn’t make us squeamish
Kyiv is quiet at night. Unlike other European capitals, where the chatter of cars and party-goers continues into the morning, Ukraine’s curfew means there’s scarcely a sound after…
Danger Will Robinson: Warfighting robots fast approaching
Danger Will Robinson: Warfighting robots fast approaching
Ernest Hemingway famously wrote bankruptcies happen “gradually, then suddenly”. Given two events last week, this might also succinctly describe the rise of robot warfighting. A…
Europe’s last war
Europe’s last war
Sometimes, watching the latest news, Europe’s last war comes to mind. At this time 30 years ago, the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the deadliest chapter in the violent break-up…