United Kingdom

Brexit and the Pacific: Sink or swim?
Brexit and the Pacific: Sink or swim?
After 47 years of a chaotic marriage, and more than three years of debates and negotiations that have cost two prime ministers, the United Kingdom has finally separated from the…
Favourites of 2019: Babylon Berlin
Favourites of 2019: Babylon Berlin
As 2019 winds up, Lowy Institute staff and Interpreter contributors offer their favourite books, articles, films, or TV programs this year. There are perks to being unfashionably…
Diego Garcia: Unnerving neighbours and raising ghosts
Diego Garcia: Unnerving neighbours and raising ghosts
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued a non-binding decision in February 2019 supporting Mauritius’s claim to the UK-administered Chagos Archipelago, which includes…
Australia’s stance on Diego Garcia dispute is increasingly untenable
Australia’s stance on Diego Garcia dispute is increasingly untenable
The US base on the island of Diego Garcia, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, is among the most important US military facilities in the world, and is the foundation stone of the…
Diego Garcia: The costs of defending an Indian Ocean outpost
Diego Garcia: The costs of defending an Indian Ocean outpost
On 22 November, the United Kingdom failed to comply with UN Resolution 73/295 passed in May, which demanded the UK “withdraw its colonial administration from the Chagos…
In conversation: Weak parties, hollow politics, and democratic danger
In conversation: Weak parties, hollow politics, and democratic danger
This is an edited and abridged transcript of the launch of Sam Roggeveen’s new Lowy Institute Paper Our Very Own Brexit, held last week at the National Gallery of Victoria in…
Brexit: “Do or die”
Brexit: “Do or die”
Over the past few weeks, breathless British journalists have published verbatim the private words and long missives of a person known as “No. 10 Source”, who on close inspection…
Diplomatic immunity: Time to change the rules
Diplomatic immunity: Time to change the rules
The current diplomatic spat between the United Kingdom and the United States, following a fatal road accident involving the wife of a US “diplomat”, draws attention, yet again, to…
Brexit: Deal or no deal
Brexit: Deal or no deal
On 31 October, the UK is once again due to leave the European Union. This is the third such deadline this year. It is possible that there will be a fourth, should the European…
Houses divided
Houses divided
Many of The Interpreter’s readers are experts on the theory and conduct of international relations. So, quite reasonably, they look at armed conflict through the lens of inter…