United Nations

Troubled waters? Australia-Indonesia maritime boundary in the news
Troubled waters? Australia-Indonesia maritime boundary in the news
Recent media reports suggest that different perspectives on maritime boundaries are creating tensions between Australia and Indonesia. An Indonesian border negotiator told The…
Response to Myanmar coup shows need for UN reform
Response to Myanmar coup shows need for UN reform
It’s been almost three months since Myanmar’s military junta seized power from the democratically elected government. More than 700 protesters have been killed, and more than 3000…
Thailand’s sweeping associations law courts disaster
Thailand’s sweeping associations law courts disaster
For decades, Thailand has served as the primary regional hub for UN agencies and programs, international humanitarian organisations and advocacy groups. In comparison to their…
The power of example: America’s presence in Diego Garcia
The power of example: America’s presence in Diego Garcia
In remarks delivered at the US State Department in early February, President Joe Biden championed the rule of law as part of “America’s abiding advantage” and spelled out his…
A “beggar-thy-neighbour” approach keeps seafarers stranded
A “beggar-thy-neighbour” approach keeps seafarers stranded
When a business manager is willing to spend US$200,000 to send home five employees whose contracts have expired and bring five colleagues to replace them on the spot, later…
Australia in focus at the UN Human Rights Council
Australia in focus at the UN Human Rights Council
Australia is a peaceful, prosperous nation that vocalises its support for human rights – and yet last week at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, one after another, countries…
Bringing space law into the 21st century
Bringing space law into the 21st century
Throughout 2020, a renewed debate has taken hold over international legal frameworks and the governance of outer space. A flurry of outer space activities has ensured this debate…
Solve generational problems by listening to the youth who’ll live them
Solve generational problems by listening to the youth who’ll live them
Youth voices are central to all peace and security issues. This is particularly important in the Asia-Pacific, where youth make up almost 60% of the population – in the Pacific…
A chance for the US to change its tune on justice
A chance for the US to change its tune on justice
On Monday last week, 72 countries at the United Nations offered their “unwavering support” for the International Criminal Court (ICC). Among them were Australia, Canada, the UK,…
 A backlash against the Women, Peace and Security agenda?
A backlash against the Women, Peace and Security agenda?
Twenty years ago, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1325, a landmark to formally recognised the disproportionate impact of conflict on women and girls…