United States

A new “concert” to govern the Indo-Pacific
A new “concert” to govern the Indo-Pacific
The joint statement issued following the weekend meeting of the four “Quad” leaders was titled “The Spirit of the Quad”. This title could be read as either self-affirmation or…
A smarter use of voting technology to stop election-related violence
A smarter use of voting technology to stop election-related violence
Two months after pro-Trump rioters’ cries of “stop the steal” have faded from the US Capitol, many Americans are still reeling from the assault on their most hallowed halls of…
Credit Biden’s bid for united states of democracy
Credit Biden’s bid for united states of democracy
Originally published in The Australian.
Australia’s silence on Chagos dispute doesn’t help
Australia’s silence on Chagos dispute doesn’t help
Australia’s defence of the rules-based international order is based on enlightened self-interest. As the 2017 Foreign Policy White Paper made plain: “We will act on the principle…
Afghanistan: To leave or not to leave
Afghanistan: To leave or not to leave
The peace agreement between the United States and Taliban signed in Doha last February is likely to be scrapped if the US and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation unilaterally…
Democracy vs autocracy: Biden’s “inflection point”
Democracy vs autocracy: Biden’s “inflection point”
US President Joe Biden’s address to the Munich Security Conference last week was notable for this statement:  We are in the midst of a fundamental debate about the future…
What Biden means for Australia’s aid policy
What Biden means for Australia’s aid policy
Joe Biden has taken the mantle of US president at a critical time for international development – amid a resurgence in poverty, increasing geopolitical contestation, rapid…
The power of example: America’s presence in Diego Garcia
The power of example: America’s presence in Diego Garcia
In remarks delivered at the US State Department in early February, President Joe Biden championed the rule of law as part of “America’s abiding advantage” and spelled out his…
What does America think the rules-based order is for?
What does America think the rules-based order is for?
This week we launched the latest project to emerge from the Lowy’s Institute’s Australia’s Security and the Rules-Based Order project, a debate feature on America and…
Lowy Institute Conversations: The United States and the Rules-Based Order
Lowy Institute Conversations: The United States and the Rules-Based Order
In this episode of Lowy Institute Conversations, Lowy Institute Director of Australia’s Security and the Rules-Based Order project, Ben Scott, sits down with Stacie Goddard and…