United States

History repeats: A new (old) economic corridor emerges
History repeats: A new (old) economic corridor emerges
The newly announced India–Middle East–Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) seeks to reimagine the natural connectivity of eras past. Historic trading links between the Indian…
AUKUS as Big Science?
AUKUS as Big Science?
Alvin Weinberg, integral contributor to the infamous Manhattan Project, coined the term “Big Science” to describe the large-scale, often multi-nationally funded methods devised to…
The United States: More normal and less exceptional than you think
The United States: More normal and less exceptional than you think
“American leadership is what holds the world together,” said US President Joe Biden in a televised national address last Friday. It was a comment bound to get a reaction, and…
How should Australia react to Bidenomics?
How should Australia react to Bidenomics?
American economic policy has shifted towards government intervention, including industrial policy and away from free-trade. US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan set out the…
Australia must play the geoeconomics game, or risk being side-lined
Australia must play the geoeconomics game, or risk being side-lined
Last month, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon stated geopolitics is now the biggest global risk to the economy. Australian business leaders on the receiving end of Chinese economic…
Imagining Trump’s second term
Imagining Trump’s second term
Review: Canada Alone by Kim Richard Nossal (Dundurn, 2023), and Trump’s Australia by Bruce Wolpe (Allen and Unwin, 2023) After 9/11, French newspaper Le Monde turned over its…
The Fix: “Get your kicks…”
The Fix: “Get your kicks…”
We’re asking contributors to put together their own short collected observations like this one – and as always, if you’ve got an idea to pitch for The Interpreter, drop a line…
McCarthy’s fall and the far-right influence on American foreign policy
McCarthy’s fall and the far-right influence on American foreign policy
The United States Congress has descended, once again, into chaos. Last week, Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy lost his grip on congressional…
How Australia features in Trump’s crosshairs
How Australia features in Trump’s crosshairs
“I will study this dumb deal!” So thundered the tweeting thumbs of Donald Trump back in the first days of his presidency, complaining “Do you believe it? The Obama…
The US needs a good president, and Biden’s been good for us
The US needs a good president, and Biden’s been good for us
Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald.