
High hopes and a big let-down: Vietnam and the TPP
High hopes and a big let-down: Vietnam and the TPP
Vietnam was thought to be a big winner from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). As such, US President-elect Donald Trump's promise to withdraw from the deal is obviously bad news…
Laos dams bad news for those downriver on the Mekong
Laos dams bad news for those downriver on the Mekong
A few days after Donald Trump's stunning election victory, a potentially bigger story broke for the millions who depend on the Mekong river for their food and livelihood: Laos…
What the Philippines and Australia can learn from Vietnam about living with China
What the Philippines and Australia can learn from Vietnam about living with China
It is early days, granted, but the Philippines' crude and crass new president Rodrigo Duterte appears increasingly intent on reversing his predecessor's plucky South China Sea…