Andrew Selth


Dr Andrew Selth is an Adjunct Professor at the Griffith Asia Institute, at Griffith University, Brisbane, and author of numerous books, monographs and articles on Myanmar.

A collected volume of his Interpreter columns, Interpreting Myanmar: A Decade of Analysis, was recently published by ANU Press.

Myanmar’s military numbers
Myanmar’s military numbers
Simply comparing the estimated number of combatants on the two sides is not a valid basis to assess combat capabilities.
Myanmar’s annus horribilis
Myanmar’s annus horribilis
The security situation is more complex and dangerous than it has been since the 1950s, without a resolution in sight.
If pushed far enough, would Myanmar leave ASEAN?
If pushed far enough, would Myanmar leave ASEAN?
Some generals once feared joining the regional body would expose Myanmar to foreign pressures.
Myanmar, terrorism and the demands of international politics
Myanmar, terrorism and the demands of international politics
Name-calling is one thing, but the new kind of civil war may cause problems for the opposition movement.
Myanmar and a new kind of civil war
Myanmar and a new kind of civil war
Urban dissidents trained by battle-hardened guerillas in the countryside could make things harder for the Tatmadaw.
The upward spiral of violence in Myanmar
The upward spiral of violence in Myanmar
Past experience shows the protesters’ options are limited – fight back and the fight will only get harder.
Myanmar’s personalised politics
Myanmar’s personalised politics
It can be simplistic to reduce complex problems to two stubborn people, but we can wonder about what might have been.
Myanmar’s coup will test the loyalty of the security forces
Myanmar’s coup will test the loyalty of the security forces
Don’t assume the various armed forces organisations are just a mindless mass prepared to do whatever they are told.
The coup in Myanmar: What do we know?
The coup in Myanmar: What do we know?
The trigger for a military takeover remains unclear. Plenty of good questions have very few satisfactory answers.