Ian Hill


Ian Hill is a retired senior career diplomat in the New Zealand foreign ministry. In the course of his 42 years in the diplomatic service, Mr Hill served three times in Moscow, twice as Ambassador (2009–12 and 2016–20). He also served as Deputy Head of Mission for five years in Washington DC, and held other senior foreign service roles in London and the Pacific. Mr Hill served in several senior foreign ministry positions in Wellington, including as Director for European Affairs, and was also the Prime Minister’s foreign affairs adviser from 1993–95. He is currently Adjunct Professor in the Centre for Defence and Security Studies at Massey University and Senior Fellow in the Centre for Strategic Studies at Victoria University of Wellington.

War in Ukraine: Gloomy prospects
War in Ukraine: Gloomy prospects
What both sides might eventually have to settle for to end the fighting – and when – is far from clear.
Rallying around the flag: Domestic support for Putin is holding up
Rallying around the flag: Domestic support for Putin is holding up
Russians doubt what they are told about the Ukraine conflict yet their view is still shaped by relentless propaganda.
War in Ukraine: How this might end
War in Ukraine: How this might end
There are many ways Putin’s invasion could pan out. All of them ultimately involve Ukraine accepting concessions.
What the Ukraine crisis means for the Indo-Pacific
What the Ukraine crisis means for the Indo-Pacific
Beijing’s support for Russia comes with downsides for the region, not least a hit to global markets.
Putin’s hubris foreshadows tragedy – for Ukrainians and Russians alike
Putin’s hubris foreshadows tragedy – for Ukrainians and Russians alike
The invasion will drive Ukrainians even closer to Europe and bind the NATO alliance with a greater purpose.
Putin’s choice
Putin’s choice
It’s a wintry outlook for Russia/NATO relations, over Ukraine and beyond.
European security: Putin ups the ante with NATO
European security: Putin ups the ante with NATO
Why is Moscow making proposals it must know are unacceptable?
The Kremlin may be tiring of the impasse in eastern Ukraine
The Kremlin may be tiring of the impasse in eastern Ukraine
In upping the ante, Putin might see a chance to break the deadlock while Europe is distracted and the US preoccupied.
Is Russia finally getting serious on climate change?
Is Russia finally getting serious on climate change?
Using hydrocarbon revenues to build green energy infrastructure would be a smart move. Don’t bet Moscow will take it.