Peter Layton

Peter Layton

Dr Peter Layton is a Visiting Fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute, an Associate Fellow RUSI (UK) and a Fellow of the Australian Security Leaders Climate Group. A retired RAAF Group Captain, Peter has extensive experience in force structure development and taught national security strategy at the US National Defense University. He has written extensively on defence and security matters, and was awarded the US Exceptional Public Service medal for force structure planning work. In 2006, he won the RUSI Trench Gascoigne Essay Prize for original writing on contemporary issues of defence and international security. He is the author of the book Grand Strategy.

How should Australia defend itself against a rising China?
How should Australia defend itself against a rising China?
China's rise creates strategic concerns for Australian defence. Three alternative solutions are emerging.
Reading between the lines of North Korea’s letter
Reading between the lines of North Korea’s letter
This is not a desperate letter from a doomed regime.
On a Trumpian track for the next Middle East war
On a Trumpian track for the next Middle East war
Australia would prefer the US to focus on the Indo-Pacific rather than become further embroiled in the Middle East. We may well be disappointed.
Commercial drones: Privatising air power
Commercial drones: Privatising air power
Hobbyist drones have moved air power away from government control and passed it to the people.
How to complicate North Korea’s nuclear weapons plans
How to complicate North Korea’s nuclear weapons plans
Let's imagine that the US and its allies were determined to prevent North Korea achieving its nuclear force ambitions. What could be done?
The battle for Southeast Asia's soul
The battle for Southeast Asia's soul
In the matter of China’s growing sphere of influence, there are no easy paths. The South China Sea dispute may be newsworthy but is only a subset of a much larger fray.
Advancing China’s South China Sea dominance
Advancing China’s South China Sea dominance
China's message for an international audience is that it now dominates the region and all should behave accordingly.
Let's face it, China's military now dominates ASEAN
Let's face it, China's military now dominates ASEAN
With its new air bases and leading-edge air power, China now has the strategic initiative in South East Asia.