Dr Stephen Grenville AO

Nonresident Fellow
Areas of expertise

Regional economic integration; Australia's economic relations with East Asia; international financial flows and the global financial architecture; financial sector development in East Asia

Dr Stephen Grenville AO

Dr Grenville is a Nonresident Fellow at the Lowy Institute. He works as a consultant on financial sector issues in East Asia. Between 1982 and 2001 he worked at the Reserve Bank of Australia, for the last five years as Deputy Governor and Board member. Before that, Dr Grenville was with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris, the International Monetary Fund in Jakarta, the Australian National University and the Department of Foreign Affairs.

The evolving post-crisis world
The evolving post-crisis world
In a new paper written as background for the current Asian Development Bank Economic Outlook, Dr Stephen Grenville notes that Asia has come through the Global Financial Crisis…
Capital flows, the carry trade and and in the wheels'
Policy Briefs
Capital flows, the carry trade and and in the wheels'
The 'carry trade', in which capital shifts from countries with low interest rates to countries with significantly higher rates, has become an important element of international…
A G-20 caucus for East Asia
Policy Briefs
A G-20 caucus for East Asia
In September 2009, the Pittsburgh Summit designated the G-20 as the world’s premier forum for international cooperation. The G-20 gives East Asia a significant presence at the top…
External imbalances and the G20
Policy Briefs
External imbalances and the G20
In a new Policy Brief, Stephen Grenville argues that the Global Financial Crisis has changed the form of the external imbalances problem, but not removed it.   Stephen…
Refining the G-20 agenda
Policy Briefs
Refining the G-20 agenda
The G-20 Leaders will meet in London in April, faced by the most serious economic downturn for seventy years. The London agenda bears two heavy burdens.Stephen Grenville
Australia, East Asia and the current financial crisis
Australia, East Asia and the current financial crisis
In a new Analysis, Dr Stephen Grenville argues that as the international crisis begins to impinge more strongly on Asia, one of the potential protective responses – the Chiang Mai…
Central banks and capital flows
Central banks and capital flows
Sudden capital outflows were at the heart of the 1997-8 Asian Crisis. Ten years later, capital flows are back on the policy agenda, but in a very different context. The countries…