Programs & Projects

The International Economics Program

The International Economics Program

The International Economics program aims to explain developments in the international economy, and influence policy. It does so by undertaking independent analytical research.

The International Economics program contributes to the Lowy Institute’s core publications: policy briefs and policy analyses. For example, the program contributed the Lowy Institute Paper, John Edwards’ Beyond the Boom, which argued that Australia’s transition away from the commodities boom will be quite smooth.

Latest publications
News and media
A G-20 caucus for East Asia
Policy Briefs
A G-20 caucus for East Asia
In September 2009, the Pittsburgh Summit designated the G-20 as the world’s premier forum for international cooperation. The G-20 gives East Asia a significant presence at the top…
Rebuilding Zimbabwe: Australia role in supporting the transition
Policy Briefs
Rebuilding Zimbabwe: Australia role in supporting the transition
Last month marked the first anniversary of the 2008 power-sharing accord that resulted in the creation of a new unity government in Zimbabwe. Joel Negin and Jolyon Ford assess…
External imbalances and the G20
Policy Briefs
External imbalances and the G20
In a new Policy Brief, Stephen Grenville argues that the Global Financial Crisis has changed the form of the external imbalances problem, but not removed it.   Stephen…
Message to the G20: Defeating protectionism begins at home
Policy Briefs
Message to the G20: Defeating protectionism begins at home
On 16 November last year, G20 leaders made a commitment to resist protectionism. According to the World Bank, by the end of February 2009, seventeen of the twenty had already …
Mass poverty in Asia and the GFC
Policy Briefs
Mass poverty in Asia and the GFC
In addition to the current Global Financial Crisis (GFC), there is a second global crisis: long-term poverty in the third world. Peter McCawley
Refining the G-20 agenda
Policy Briefs
Refining the G-20 agenda
The G-20 Leaders will meet in London in April, faced by the most serious economic downturn for seventy years. The London agenda bears two heavy burdens.Stephen Grenville
The economic and environmental effects of border tax adjustments for climate change policy
The economic and environmental effects of border tax adjustments for climate change policy
For the foreseeable future, climate change policy will be considerably more stringent in some countries than in others. In high-cost countries, there will be political pressure to…
Shared challenges and solutions: Australia unique contribution to the future of African development
Policy Briefs
Shared challenges and solutions: Australia unique contribution to the future of African development
As part of its commitment to increase spending on overseas development assistance, the Australian government has announced a substantial re-engagement with Africa.Joel Negin ,…
Expecting the unexpected
Expecting the unexpected
To estimate the emissions reductions and costs of a climate policy, analysts usually compare a policy scenario with a baseline scenario of future economic conditions without the…
Into Africa
Lowy Institute Papers
Into Africa
The international resource boom has spurred a hunt for new mineral and hydrocarbon reserves, and an important new frontier in this search is Sub-Saharan Africa.Roger Donnelly ,…