Programs & Projects

The International Security Program

The International Security Program

The International Security Program looks at strategic dynamics and security risks globally, with an emphasis on Australia's region of Indo-Pacific Asia. Its research spans strategic competition and the risks of conflict in Asia, security implications of the rise of China and India, maritime security, nuclear arms control, Australian defence policy and the changing character of conflict. The Program draws on a network of experts in Australia, Asia and globally, and is supported by diverse funding sources including grants from the MacArthur Foundation and the Nuclear Threat Initiative. It convenes international policy dialogues such as the 2017 Australia-ROK Emerging Leaders International Security Forum and has a record of producing leading-edge, influential reports.

Latest publications
News and media
US reveals new Darwin Marines move
Cameron Stewart writes in The Australian today about the announcement by the US Chief of Naval Operations (from his Navigation Plan 2014-2018) that he aims to 'provide amphibious…
Is the 'far enemy' off the agenda for Indonesian terrorists?
Solahudin's book, The Roots of Terrorism in Indonesia (trans. Dave McRae) has just been published by UNSW Press in association with the Lowy Institute. In the eyes of Indonesian…
Politics clouds progress on India-Pakistan tensions
Politics clouds progress on India-Pakistan tensions
In this article on The Diplomat's The Pulse blog, Danielle Rajendram looks at the interplay between domestic politics and foreign policy in India's relations with Pakistan…
South China Sea: Trust vs confidence-building
Australians may be preoccupied with election politics, but the big strategic problems of their Indo-Pacific Asian region have hardly gone away. It was therefore refreshing to see…
Nagl: Drones precluded US invasion of Pakistan
Douglas Fry is a Fairfax Media writer. 'Were it not for drones, the United States would probably have had to have invade Pakistan.' So declared Dr John Nagl at a public lecture…
Why are world militaries in decline?
Stanford Professor James Fearon explains his latest research (and here's a more readable version of the above graph): The black line is the average across countries of…
Flat-tops everywhere
A quick update on the regional boom in 'flat-tops'; that is true aircraft carriers for fast-jet operations and also amphibious ships with large flight decks designed to carry…
Indo-Pacific word games
Danielle Rajendram is a Lowy Institute research associate. Her work focuses on Indian foreign and domestic policy, India-China relations and Asian security. One slightly jarring…
2012 Australia-India Roundtable Report: Outcomes Statement and Summary of Proceedings
2012 Australia-India Roundtable Report: Outcomes Statement and Summary of Proceedings
The relationship between Australia and India is poised at an historic moment. Consciously overcoming a challenging period, leaders of the two countries have realised new levels of…
In 100 words: The most important issue of this campaign
Short posts from Lowy Institute experts on what they regard as the most important international policy issue of this campaign. See the Election Interpreter 2013 archive for the…