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Confronting ghosts: Thailand’s shapeless southern insurgency
Lowy Institute Papers
Confronting ghosts: Thailand’s shapeless southern insurgency
In this Lowy Institute Paper, Joseph Chinyong Liow and Don Pathan examine the ongoing violence in the majority Muslim Malay provinces of Thailand’s south.Don Pathan , Joseph…
China and the world: public opinion and foreign policy
China and the world: public opinion and foreign policy
The Lowy Institute’s first China Poll is a wide-ranging survey of Chinese public opinion towards a number of important international policy issues. By what do the Chinese people…
Confronting the hydra: Big problems with small wars
Lowy Institute Papers
Confronting the hydra: Big problems with small wars
As a democratic middle power that chooses to wage counterinsurgency conflicts, Australia needs improved strategic policy approaches and capabilities to overcome a complex and many…
Caught in the crossfire: the Pashtun tribes of Southeast Afghanistan
Policy Briefs
Caught in the crossfire: the Pashtun tribes of Southeast Afghanistan
In a new Lowy Institute Policy Brief, Tom Gregg argues the importance of a more effective engagement of Afghanistan’s tribes, particularly in the country’s south east.Tom Gregg
The 2009 Lowy Institute Poll
The 2009 Lowy Institute Poll
The fifth annual Lowy Institute Poll surveys a nationally representative sample of Australians on a broad range of foreign policy issues. New questions this year cover the…
Unconventional partners: Australia-India cooperation in reducing nuclear dangers
Policy Briefs
Unconventional partners: Australia-India cooperation in reducing nuclear dangers
In this Policy Brief, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf and his Indian co-author Amandeep Gill argue that an innovative partnership between Australia and India…
Linking growth and poverty reduction in Papua New Guinea
Linking growth and poverty reduction in Papua New Guinea
Recent impressive economic growth has helped many Papua New Guineans escape poverty. Those lifted from poverty retain strong connections to the economy, its active participants…
Australia poisoned alumni: international education and the costs to Australia
Policy Briefs
Australia poisoned alumni: international education and the costs to Australia
In this new Lowy Institute Policy Brief, Executive Director Michael Wesley analyses the multi-faceted international student debate. It canvasses the dynamics of the international…
Ambition: the emerging foreign policy of the Rudd Government
Ambition: the emerging foreign policy of the Rudd Government
In a new Lowy Institute Analysis entitled 'Ambition: the emerging foreign policy of the Rudd Government', Lowy Institute Executive Director Allan Gyngell explores what we have…