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Indonesia must seize trade war opportunity
Indonesia must seize trade war opportunity
Jakarta needs export-boosting policies to draw global manufacturers diversifying away from China. Originally published in Nikkei Asian Review. Ben Bland
Captured Islamic State fighters pose dilemma for Western countries
Captured Islamic State fighters pose dilemma for Western countries
Originally published in The AustralianRodger Shanahan
‘New’ Malaysia: Four key challenges in the near term
‘New’ Malaysia: Four key challenges in the near term
In the aftermath of Malaysia’s momentous regime change, the new government faces a number of challenges to implementing wholesale political reform.
Can outside pressure shift Beijing?
Can outside pressure shift Beijing?
Originally published in Nikkei Asian ReviewRichard McGregor
Marise Payne on Australia’s international cyber strategy
Marise Payne on Australia’s international cyber strategy
The Lowy Institute hosted the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Marise Payne, for an address on Australia’s international cyber strategy
Deal will help tame Indonesia's risks
Deal will help tame Indonesia's risks
Originally published in Australian Financial ReviewBen Bland
Hanoi summit: Trump walks but time is on Kim Jong Un's side
Hanoi summit: Trump walks but time is on Kim Jong Un's side
Originally published in Australian Financial ReviewSam Roggeveen
Jokowi must prove his doubters wrong, not appease them
Jokowi must prove his doubters wrong, not appease them
Originally published in Australian Financial ReviewBen Bland
The supreme challenge facing Iran
The supreme challenge facing Iran
Originally published in The AustralianRodger Shanahan