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Submission to Review of Australian Broadcasting Services in the Asia-Pacific
Submission to Review of Australian Broadcasting Services in the Asia-Pacific
Review by Department of Communications and the Arts Shane McLeod , Jonathan Pryke
Going legit? The foreign policy of Vladimir Putin
Going legit? The foreign policy of Vladimir Putin
Putin’s foreign policy will remain grounded in long-standing assumptions about Russia, the West, and international order.
Australia should be encouraging Indonesian growth
Australia should be encouraging Indonesian growth
Originally published in Australian Financial Review Roland Rajah
Conserving the single maritime operating environment
Conserving the single maritime operating environment
Delivered at the Exercise Kakadu Fleet Commanders Conference, organised by RAN’s Sea Power Centre, on 1 September 2018 in Darwin, Australia. Euan Graham
Trump's turning point in Europe
Trump's turning point in Europe
Originally published in The Australian Financial ReviewAlastair Davis
Mahathir, China and neo-colonialism
Mahathir, China and neo-colonialism
Originally published in Nikkei Asian Review.Richard McGregor
Speech by the Hon Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi on Pacific perspectives on the new geostrategic landscape
Speech by the Hon Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi on Pacific perspectives on the new geostrategic landscape
The Hon Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, Prime Minister of Samoa, delivered this address at the Lowy Institute in Sydney on Thursday, 30 August 2018.  
The world is looking at Australia and laughing
The world is looking at Australia and laughing
Originally published in The Sydney Morning Herald Michael Fullilove
What price abroad for Australia's latest leadership upheaval?
What price abroad for Australia's latest leadership upheaval?
Originally published in Straits Times. Euan Graham