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Managing power conflict spillover in Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Managing power conflict spillover in Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Originally published in The Jakarta Post, 6 November 2023.
Modern Warfare: Lessons from Ukraine
Lowy Institute Papers
Modern Warfare: Lessons from Ukraine
The foremost authority on modern war in the English-speaking world examines Europe’s most important conflict since the Second World War.
Labor's AUKUS woes a boon for Beijing
Labor's AUKUS woes a boon for Beijing
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review, 3 November 2023.
SOE debts weighing on PNG's sovereign risk profile
SOE debts weighing on PNG's sovereign risk profile
Originally published in the The Economist Intelligence Unit 
Pacific Aid Map 2023 - Key Findings Report
Pacific Aid Map 2023 - Key Findings Report
The annual Pacific Aid Map — launched by the Lowy Institute in 2018 — is an analytical tool designed to improve aid and development effectiveness in the Pacific Islands region. It…
2023 Pacific Aid Map
2023 Pacific Aid Map
Australia is the Pacific's largest development partner in our sixth annual interactive, mapping every aid project in the Pacific from 2008–2021 as the region faces new development…
Labor’s hard-won security credentials hang in the balance
Labor’s hard-won security credentials hang in the balance
Originally published in The Australian on 30 October 2023.