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Malcolm Fraser's Asia Delusion
Journal Articles
Malcolm Fraser's Asia Delusion
Malcolm Fraser's Asia Delusion Rory Medcalf Australian Journal of International Affairs 20 October 2014Rory Medcalf
China’s foreign policy in Afghanistan
China’s foreign policy in Afghanistan
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Dirk van der Kley examines China's policy options in Afghanistan, once the NATO-led mission there comes to an end in December 2014.Dirk van der…
G20 Monitor: The G20’s growth agenda
G20 Monitor: The G20’s growth agenda
This issue of the G20 Monitor provides a guide to the policies that G20 members will have to tackle to achieve the G20’s 2 per cent growth target, drawing on the recommendations…
Blinkered views on China and the US feed Malcolm Fraser’s Asia delusion
Blinkered views on China and the US feed Malcolm Fraser’s Asia delusion
Blinkered views on China and the US feed Malcolm Fraser’s Asia delusionRory MedcalfThe Australian20 October 2014Please click here for the online text.Rory Medcalf
Ambitious foreign policy push yet to coalesce
Ambitious foreign policy push yet to coalesce
Ambitous foreign policy push yet to coalesceDr Michael Fullilove17 October 2014Please click here for the online text.Michael Fullilove
Indonesian foreign policy under President Jokowi
Indonesian foreign policy under President Jokowi
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Aaron L. Connelly previews the likely direction of Indonesian foreign policy under President-elect Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo, highlighting…
Red and White coalition spells trouble for Jokowi
Red and White coalition spells trouble for Jokowi
Red and White coalition spells trouble for JokowiAdelle NearyEast Asia Forum14 October 2014Please click here for the online text.Adelle Neary
East Asia's Demand for Energy, Minerals and Food: The International Politics of Resources
East Asia's Demand for Energy, Minerals and Food: The International Politics of Resources
In a chapter in an edited book, Philippa Brant examines the dynamics of China’s provision of foreign aid and its quest for natural resources in the South Pacific region, with…
Mapping the Indo-Pacific? China, India and the United States
Mapping the Indo-Pacific? China, India and the United States
Mapping the Indo-Pacific? China, India and the United StatesRory MedcalfChapter 2 in Mohan Malik (ed.), Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific Perspectives from…