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In Conversation: Kurt Campbell, White House Indo-Pacific Coordinator
In Conversation: Kurt Campbell, White House Indo-Pacific Coordinator
The White House Indo-Pacific Coordinator Kurt Campbell spoke to Lowy Institute Executive Director Michael Fullilove on the first day of the digital conference 'The Indo-Pacific…
Lowy Institute Conversations: Collaborating and building connections across the Pacific through art
Lowy Institute Conversations: Collaborating and building connections across the Pacific through art
Mihai Sora speaks to Ruth McDougall and Ruha Fifita about the 10th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art and how art is a powerful way to build and maintain connections…
2021 Owen Harries Lecture - Mathias Cormann
2021 Owen Harries Lecture - Mathias Cormann
The 2021 Owen Harries Lecture was given on 24 November 2021 by Hon. Mathias Cormann, Secretary-General of the OECD. After the lecture, Mr Cormann spoke in conversation with the…
US seeks recalibration, but China is unlikely to reciprocate
US seeks recalibration, but China is unlikely to reciprocate
Washington wanted the Biden-Xi meeting to establish guardrails to prevent confrontation. Beijing will probably see that as just code for maintenance of the US-dominated status quo…
Confessions of a Reserve Bank board member
Confessions of a Reserve Bank board member
Originally published in The Canberra Times
Vaccinating the Pacific
Vaccinating the Pacific
This Interactive provides country-specific modelling of Covid-19 vaccination rates for each Pacific Island Country, using data available to October 2021. The Interactive employs a…
COP26 and beyond: fault lines in global climate policy
COP26 and beyond: fault lines in global climate policy
In this episode, Lowy Institute lead economist Roland Rajah is joined by Dr Vijaya Ramachandran and Dr Sam Geall to discuss the outcomes from the COP26 Glasgow Climate Change…
The Indo-Pacific Operating System: How can America shore up the regional order?
The Indo-Pacific Operating System: How can America shore up the regional order?
Five essays from experts from, or based in, Southeast Asia provide a sense of the region’s complexity and the nuance with which any effort to shore up – or rebuild – regional…