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How the state runs business in China
How the state runs business in China
Originally published in The Guardian. Richard McGregor
An island of freedom in a stormy communist sea
An island of freedom in a stormy communist sea
Originally published in The AustralianBen Bland
Rethinking fiscal policy: Progressive US politics meets radical economics
Research Notes
Rethinking fiscal policy: Progressive US politics meets radical economics
Recognition of the need for greater government intervention in the economy is increasingly shaping the US political debate, with this shift paralleled among prominent economists.
Xi Jinping - the Backlash, with Richard McGregor
Xi Jinping - the Backlash, with Richard McGregor
In Episode 5 of Rules Based Audio, Lowy Senior Fellow Richard McGregor discusses the domestic and international reaction to Xi’s centralisation of political control and assertion…
Xi Jinping: The Backlash
Lowy Institute Papers
Xi Jinping: The Backlash
By the author of the acclaimed The Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers 
Morrison must think hard about our Pacific plays
Morrison must think hard about our Pacific plays
Originally published in The AustralianMichael Fullilove , Hervé Lemahieu
Foreign territory: Women in international relations
Foreign territory: Women in international relations
A three-year study has revealed severe gender imbalances in Australia’s international relations sector, despite some prominent trailblazers.
Don’t Write Off Hong Kong’s Radicals
Don’t Write Off Hong Kong’s Radicals
Beijing can’t afford to demonize and repress the young activists on the extreme edge of the city’s massive protests.  Originally published in Bloomberg Opinion. Ben…
The Octagon of Power - Unpacking the Asia Power Index
The Octagon of Power - Unpacking the Asia Power Index
In Episode 4 of Rules Based Audio, we're talking power in the Asia Pacific. Who's got it, who's losing it, and who's using what they've got in the smartest way? Kelsey Munro talks…