Dr Rodger Shanahan

Dr Rodger Shanahan

Dr Rodger Shanahan is a former Nonresident Fellow at the Lowy Institute.

A former army officer, he had extensive service within the Parachute Battalion Group (PBG) and has had operational service with the UN in South Lebanon and Syria, with the PBG in East Timor, in Beirut during the 2006 war, and in Afghanistan. He was the former director of the Army's Land Warfare Studies Centre, and has also been posted to the Australian Embassies in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi. Dr Shanahan has MAs in International Relations and Middle East Studies from the ANU, and a PhD in Arab and Islamic Studies from the University of Sydney.

He is also a part-time member of the Refugee Review Tribunal.  He has written numerous journal, media and policy articles, is a frequent commentator on Middle East issues for Australian and international media, has appeared as an expert witness for several terrorism trials in Australia and is the author of Clans, Parties and Clerics: the Shi’a of Lebanon.

Neil, an Australian terrorist
Neil, an Australian terrorist
The most important aspect of his detention is it removes an active online jihadi recruiter and promoter of terrorism.
Syria: Five things Trump will do differently
Syria: Five things Trump will do differently
Based on the little Trump revealed during his campaign, no one in the Syrian opposition will be pleased with the US election result.
A very Lebanese presidency
A very Lebanese presidency
After 29 months without a Lebanese president, a parliamentary vote has finally delivered one, in the form of Michel Aoun.
A no-fly zone for Yemen?
A no-fly zone for Yemen?
Washington has leverage over Saudi behaviour in Yemen that it doesn’t have over Russia and Iran in Syria.
Good options in Syria don't exist
Good options in Syria don't exist
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.Rodger Shanahan