Dr Stephen Grenville AO

Nonresident Fellow
Dr Stephen Grenville AO

Dr Grenville is a Nonresident Fellow at the Lowy Institute. He works as a consultant on financial sector issues in East Asia. Between 1982 and 2001 he worked at the Reserve Bank of Australia, for the last five years as Deputy Governor and Board member. Before that, Dr Grenville was with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris, the International Monetary Fund in Jakarta, the Australian National University and the Department of Foreign Affairs.

No consensus on the Washington Consensus
No consensus on the Washington Consensus
Sam Roggeveen’s discussion with Allan Gyngell is a reminder that the Washington Consensus means different things to different people. Let’s try to sort out the diverse…
Is the US economy at full employment?
Is the US economy at full employment?
If the economy is already back to full capacity, what hope is there for the many Trump voters who find themselves without satisfying jobs?
Capital flows to emerging economies: Still unresolved
Capital flows to emerging economies: Still unresolved
Perhaps practical policy-makers might be tempted to cut the Gordian knot by imposing capital controls, especially for short-term volatile capital inflows (leaving…
Trumponomics: The art of the trade deal
Trumponomics: The art of the trade deal
Too many trade negotiators share the Trump mindset, counting success in terms of how many export-promoting elements are embodied in these bilateral and plurilateral FTAs.
Asian Development Bank: The first 50 years
Asian Development Bank: The first 50 years
In 1997 blame for the Asian crisis was sheeted home to incompetent and often-corrupt leadership. This book gives a different and more accurate explanation.
Trans-Pacific Partnership without America
Trans-Pacific Partnership without America
The reasons behind Japan's about-face on a TPP-11 may become clearer later this month.
China’s financial concerns
China’s financial concerns
Solving China's financial sector problems doesn't depend on the fickle global financial sector. Instead, China has to address some domestic issues.
Credit rating agency caution retards Indonesian growth
Credit rating agency caution retards Indonesian growth
S&P's ranking of Indonesia is out of line with other similar countries that have investment-grade status including India, the Philippines and South Africa.