- Technological innovations are increasingly being used in disaster response. But they can present their own challenges: here's 5 best practices to keep in mind (HT @whydev).
- On 'Development Drums', Owen Barder talks with Nina Munk about her new book The Idealist, about about Jeffrey Sachs and the Millennium Villages Project.
- Mongolia has introduced some new laws to help combat human trafficking.
- Has the Bougainville economy recovered since the end of violence in 1997?
- Are OECD donors considering stopping aid to middle-income countries?
- President Obama's fiscal year 2015 foreign aid wish list: great overview from Casey Dunning at the Center for Global Development.
- Bill Nye, the ‘Science Guy’, a US version of our own Dr Karl, dispels common myths around US foreign aid, including ‘We give money to Africa and nothing changes’ (part of the Bill & Melinda Gates #stopthemyth campaign):