The key for the Australian Government now is shifting from seeing the internet as a tool of communications to leveraging it as a tool of foreign policy.
The Games of Thrones-style struggle now underway between the stranded Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the enlivened Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is getting murkier by the day.
In the Fairfax papers yesterday, Tom Switzer poked some well-deserved fun at the Australian political commentariat's collective failure to get the Trump phenomenon right.
The myth at the heart of the sentimentalist view of the alliance is it draws its strength and durability from the fundamental values and historical connections that we share rather than from a mere alignment of interests.
The 2011 election was a shock for the government. In response, while broadly maintaining its immigration policy, the government pursued a policy of across-the-board attention to the concerns that the election had highlighted.