Published daily by the Lowy Institute

Bye Biden

The rollercoaster quality of politics and political coverage seems to ensure the head-jerks will continue.

Quitting the presidential race puts the focus squarely on the Democratic contest (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Quitting the presidential race puts the focus squarely on the Democratic contest (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

As Joe Biden would say, this is a big fecking deal.

Quitting the presidential race puts the focus squarely on the Democratic contest, potentially for weeks. In the meantime, this could rob Donald Trump of the attention he craves and thrives upon.

The old American political cliché of an October surprise has come early.

Kamala Harris has Biden’s endorsement but not the candidacy. The Veep TV show clips are thick on social media but the run-up to the Democratic Party convention looks set to be a contest. That energy could spill into chaos, but if harnessed might propel whoever emerges as the torchbearer. The old American political cliché of an October surprise has come early.

It might turn out that even in retirement Nancy Pelosi is getting under Trump’s skin, with commentary suggesting she was instrumental in pressing Biden to step aside.

I had thought the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Trump would rob momentum from Democratic agitators working for Biden to withdraw, as the “unity” message was pressed. The verdict will now only be written after the election result whether the Democrats panicked. But the rollercoaster quality of politics and political coverage seems to ensure the head-jerks will continue. Claims that Trump’s triumphed last week at the Republican convention might turn stale quickly.

On a foreign policy front, reports suggest Australia’s political class will be quietly relieved that Biden has withdrawn. It’s easy to imagine this feeling is replicated among other US partners as well. Harris is a known quantity, part of a White House national security team that has been remarkably stable under Biden.

And a droll observation goes to the tweeters for how China and Russia might react.

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