- Are ballistic missile defence capabilities of relevance to Australia? Andrew Davies and Rob Lyon preview their new paper on the subject.
- In the latest issue of Survival, Lawrence Freedman explores the history of crisis management and its application to the Ukrainian crisis.
- Europe has struggled to build momentum behind multinational defence production. Will UAVs provide a new impetus?
- George Vlachonikolis reviews Mike Martin's controversial book on conflict in Afghanistan's Helmand province, which excoriates Britain's attempt at counterinsurgency post-2001.
- Over at Small Wars Journal, Adam Elkus takes the critical response to the new US Army/USMC counterinsurgency manual as a starting point to tease apart the troubled relationship between social science and security practice.
- Meanwhile, Robert Mihara expounds on the importance of facilitating professional discourse in achieving critical understanding of military challenges.
- In spite of its military build-up, is China merely a paper tiger? So argues Kyle Mizokami.
- DARPA is famous for providing the foundations for the internet. Here are four technologies it's developing today which could have similar ramifications.
- Vice has a piece on Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Churchill, a bizarre individual and the last known to have killed an enemy with a longbow in a modern war.
Military & strategy links: Ballistic missiles, crisis management, paper tigers, counterinsurgency and more
Published 27 May 2014
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Some remarkably frank language was perhaps intended for a different audience than the one across the table.