Matthew Hill is a doctoral student at Cornell University's Department of Government.
- There’s news that Lockheed Martin is pushing a hypersonic successor to the legendary SR-71 spy plane, this time with strike capacity.
- Harold Koh asks whether Obama’s efforts to end the ‘Forever War’ with Al-Qaeda have stalled.
- The US Centre for Strategic and Budgetary Analysis has released a detailed analysis of the long-term disruption due to sequestration.
- Foreign defence firms are chasing the prospect of a substantial role in South Korea’s K-FX fighter program.
- Emile Simpson reviews David Ucko and Robert Egnell’s book on the British experience of ten years of counter-insurgency warfare.
- What can the PRC’s development of its first-generation nuclear submarines tell us about its next generation of SSNs?
- Adam Elkus challenges the notion that Al Qaeda has become just a nameplate.
- A former US Navy test pilot argues for abandoning fifth generation crewed fighters in favour of advanced combat drones.
- What does it look like to see a tank fire a round directly at you? Now you know, courtesy of this T-72.