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Book Review: Where borders aren’t always badlands
Book Review: Where borders aren’t always badlands
Book review: Mark Moran and Jodie Curth-Bibb (eds) Too Close to Ignore (Melbourne University Press, 2020) Borders have been in the news in Australia, with the novel if…
Jiggle the cable?
Jiggle the cable?
The Interpreter
What is Turkey’s endgame in Libya?
What is Turkey’s endgame in Libya?
Turkey’s reimagining of the Pax Ottomana has not made many friends in the region, and it currently finds itself at odds with Egypt, UAE and Greece to name a few…
Book Review: The seeds of authoritarianism
Book Review: The seeds of authoritarianism
Book review: Anne Applebaum, Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism (Doubleday 2020) If democracy is the guiding light of a civilised world, wherefore that…
Book Review: The deadly legacy of the Cold War in the modern world
Book Review: The deadly legacy of the Cold War in the modern world
Book review: Vincent Bevins, The Jakarta Method: Washington’s anti-communist crusade and the mass murder program that shaped our world (Hachette, 2020) The world is awash with…
Book review: “The false promise of liberal order”
Book review: “The false promise of liberal order”
Book review: Patrick Porter, The False Promise of Liberal Order: Nostalgia, Delusion and the Rise of Trump (Polity Press, 2020) A familiar response to the growing global disorder…
Diego Garcia: The US has a clear choice
Diego Garcia: The US has a clear choice
Mauritius is the legitimate sovereign over the Chagos Archipelago, including the island of Diego Garcia, which hosts an important US military base in the Indo-Pacific region. The…
Book review: Superpower showdown
Book review: Superpower showdown
Book Review: Bob Davis and Lingling Wei, Superpower Showdown: How the Battle Between Trump and Xi Threatens a New Cold War (HarperCollins, 2020). Global relations are undergoing…
Book review: The memory of a massacre in Thailand
Book review: The memory of a massacre in Thailand
Book review: Thongchai Winichakul, Moments of Silence: The Unforgetting of the October 6, 1976, Massacre in Bangkok (University of Hawaii Press, 2020) In the early…
Decolonise Diego Garcia: Why America should not fear Mauritius
Decolonise Diego Garcia: Why America should not fear Mauritius
The United States military base on Diego Garcia has a problem: it is housed inside an unlawful jurisdiction, the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT). According to the African…