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Book Review: Can we do good without it really costing anything?
Book Review: Can we do good without it really costing anything?
Book Review: Anand Giridharadas, Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World (Penguin, 2019) It’s a seductive idea – the notion that we can “do good” for…
Book review: Where Power Stops
Book review: Where Power Stops
Book review: David Runciman Where Power Stops, The Making and Unmaking of Presidents and Prime Ministers (Allen and Unwin, 2019) It’s an odd feeling to enjoy a book and the…
Book review: A very private enterprise
Book review: A very private enterprise
Book Review: Kochland: The Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America, by Christopher Leonard (Simon & Schuster, 2019) Kochland tells the…
Book review: Betraying Big Brother
Book review: Betraying Big Brother
Book review: Leta Hong Fincher, Betraying Big Brother: The Feminist Awakening in China (Verso, 2018) In China, a country of contradictions, a feminist movement emerged when…
Favourites of 2019: Babylon Berlin
Favourites of 2019: Babylon Berlin
As 2019 winds up, Lowy Institute staff and Interpreter contributors offer their favourite books, articles, films, or TV programs this year. There are perks to being unfashionably…
Favourites of 2019: Hasan Minhaj’s incisive yet accessible comedy
Favourites of 2019: Hasan Minhaj’s incisive yet accessible comedy
As 2019 winds up, Lowy Institute staff and Interpreter contributors offer their favourite books, articles, films, or TV programs this year. A comedian with a keen eye for the…
Favourites of 2019: Yangyang Cheng
Favourites of 2019: Yangyang Cheng
As 2019 winds up, Lowy Institute staff and Interpreter contributors offer their favourite books, articles, films or TV programs this year. Or in this instance... For me, this…
Diego Garcia: Unnerving neighbours and raising ghosts
Diego Garcia: Unnerving neighbours and raising ghosts
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued a non-binding decision in February 2019 supporting Mauritius’s claim to the UK-administered Chagos Archipelago, which includes…
Favourites of 2019: Richard Holbrooke, “almost great”
Favourites of 2019: Richard Holbrooke, “almost great”
As 2019 winds up, Lowy Institute staff and Interpreter contributors offer their favourite books, articles, films, or TV programs this year. My favourite book of 2019 was Our Man:…
Exporting digital authoritarianism - Podcast out now
Exporting digital authoritarianism - Podcast out now
Digital authoritarianism broadly is the use of digital technology by authoritarian regimes to monitor, manipulate and control both domestic and foreign populations. China and…